Storage silos
The silo made by AP for grain storage reliably protects its loaded contents from various weather influences and other spoilage. Such as from birds and rodents.The metal tank is equipped with a roof and bottom, as well as special channels for ventilation of the storage product.Officine Pomatto equips its tanks with various layer-by-layer temperature control systems for the stored crops and active ventilation. The ventilation system controls the air flow.The metal grain silo not only allows for the accumulation and storage of wet grain through ventilation and cooling of the product, but also ensures minimal expenses and losses during this process.Ladders, upper and lower doors are used for more convenient and easier maintenance, repair and cleaning of grain storage silo equipment and structures.
Performance and sturdiness: AP grain silos
The silo roof is a complex structure consisting of trapezoid-shaped sectors, bolted together by gaskets and stiffeners. The height of the stiffeners is up to 200 mm. The roof sectors are made of galvanised steel.Depending on the diameter, agricultural silos can be equipped with a one-tier, two-tier and three-tier roof. This allows the roof to withstand significant snow loads.On the roof of a grain storage silo, a loading device, an inspection hatch, a service ladder and a series of devices for the thermal suspension of the layer-by-layer temperature control system for the grain mass are installed. There are also air ducts on the roof, which are sometimes equipped with special fans.